This month was kicked off by an online product Training on “Dream Drills High Feed” on April 1st by Mr. Thilo Mueller regarding the specific product features and solutions which can be found within the Dream Drill Product range.
On April 8th, Mr. Maurizio Fontana in collaboration with Andreas Moeller explained to the audience about “Thread Types and Tolerances”. This tech webinar provided in depth information about the common standards and how to provide solutions in challenging applications.
On April 29th, YG-1 Deutschland held an online training series on “Geometry of Solid Carbide Drills” for current & new partners, end customers, and potential new customers. It aims to introduce YG-1's innovative technologies and expand local sales.
These tech web seminar sessions were held in two sessions and led by Mr. Thilo Mueller, Product Manager of round tools EMEA. During the training, success stories of the products and Q&A sessions were done.
YG-1 continues to research and develop new products to respond to the market and machining trends. The latest news about the upcoming web seminar will be announced on an official LinkedIn channel.
Also, if you want to get early notice of the web seminars, subscribe to YG-1 Deutschland newsletter: